quicklook github
quicklook github

Peekallowsyoutocopyandfindtext,jumptolinenumbers,renderGithub-flavoredMarkdownwithageneratedtableofcontents,restorescrollpositions, ...Readme.md·Issues·Actions·Pullrequests,ThispluginpreviewsPSandEPSfiles.TryoutSeehttps://github.com/QL-Win/QuickL...

QuickLookREADME.md at master


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers

Peek allows you to copy and find text, jump to line numbers, render Github-flavored Markdown with a generated table of contents, restore scroll positions, ... Readme.md · Issues · Actions · Pull requests

QL-WinQuickLook.Plugin.PostScriptViewer: Adding .eps ...

This plugin previews PS and EPS files. Try out See https://github.com/QL-Win/QuickLook/wiki/Available-Plugins.

QuickLookREADME.md at master

It allows users to peek into a file content in lightning speed by just pressing the Space key. Windows, on the other hand, does not have this handy feature.


QuickLook.Plugin.OfficeViewer (Native). This plugin renders MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files with native components provided by existing Microsoft Office ...

jpdeleonquicklook: Quick look lightcurve generator

quicklook is a Python program that runs a simple pipeline to search for transit signal in TESS (and Kepler soon) light curves. This program can be run in a ...

QuickLook for Windows

QuickLook.Plugin.OfficeViewer-Native Public View Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files with MS Office and WPS Office components.

Releases · QL-WinQuickLook

Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows. Contribute to QL-Win/QuickLook development by creating an account on GitHub.


It allows users to peek into a file content in lightning speed by just pressing the Space key. Windows, on the other hand, does not have this handy feature. Releases 45 · Issues 206 · PRIVACY.md · README.md


This plugin allows QuickLook to preview Office file formats, without the requirement of installing Office suite.


List of QuickLook plugins and packages. Provide most of plugins and packages. How to install/uninstall QuickLook plugins. Using HomeBrew Cask Manually.


Peekallowsyoutocopyandfindtext,jumptolinenumbers,renderGithub-flavoredMarkdownwithageneratedtableofcontents,restorescrollpositions, ...Readme.md·Issues·Actions·Pullrequests,ThispluginpreviewsPSandEPSfiles.TryoutSeehttps://github.com/QL-Win/QuickLook/wiki/Available-Plugins.,ItallowsuserstopeekintoafilecontentinlightningspeedbyjustpressingtheSpacekey.Windows,ontheotherhand,doesnothavethishandyfe...